Feb 07, 2024
The call for nominations will be open until 26 February 2024. During this phase individuals, representatives of public and private institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Business Associations and regional and international partner organisations are invited to nominate women entrepreneurs

Launched in the framework of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 and RCC Women Economic Empowerment Agenda, this Initiative aims to recognise women who have started and developed their own businesses and contributed to new and sustainable jobs for other women and men in our region.
The RCC welcomes nominations for women entrepreneurs (WE) from the Western Balkans in the following suggested categories:
- Green Woman Entrepreneur - has developed a company with cleaner technologies, provides products and/or services that reduce environmental damage, minimize pollution and resource use, enhance product lifecycle and/or that has adopted training programmes for emerging green jobs
- Artistic Woman Entrepreneur - has developed a well-known company related to Arts, Culture, Design, Fashion, Lifestyle, Crafts
- ICT Woman Entrepreneur - has developed a business in the ICT sector and/or embraced ICT to embark on technology and innovative solutions for the local market or beyond;
- Tourism Woman Entrepreneur - has developed a company in the tourism sector and contributes to the tourism promotion;
- Young Woman Entrepreneur - a young woman entrepreneur (up to 35 years old) who has demonstrated an innovative business solution or a product/service with regional impact and visibility;
- Social Star Woman Entrepreneur – has launched and/or developed business by using the power of social media.
Nominations are open until February 26, 2024. After the selection process, the winners will be invited to participate in the award ceremony event.
More information on the nominee requirements, categories, and the selection process can be found here.